
The USA Four Corners Tour is a self-guided and self-paced ride of roughly 7,000 miles. It forms a lap of the continental United States by requiring stops in San Ysidro, California; Blaine, Washington; Madawaska, Maine; and Key West, Florida.  Riders will have 21 calendar days in which to visit those four cities using a route of their choosing.  A pace of 400 miles per day leaves plenty of time for sightseeing and side trips while accomplishing the Tour in 18 days with three contingency days.

For those seeking a more difficult quest and/or more exposure to the heartland states, we offer the True X version of the USA Four Corners Tour. The True X version adds a visit to Lebanon, Kansas, (the geographical center of the continental US) between each corner city after the first.  This increases the ride distance to roughly 11,000 miles and correspondingly the time allowed for completion is increased to 26 calendar days.  A pace of 500 miles per day would complete the Tour in 22 days with 4 contingency days but you are almost certain to consume at least one of those contingency days for cycle maintenance.  As an extra incentive, those who complete the True X version in 21 or fewer calendar days will have the honor clearly identified in the True X Finisher’s List.

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