Electronic Ride Journaling


GPS technology has been helping riders keep a journal of their rides electronically for a while now. In recent years, since phone applications for iPhone and Android phones have been available to do the GPS tasks, the setup and use is substantially easier.

Some of the newer SCMA rides require electronic ride records be submitted. Once you have it setup and tested, collecting documentation of where you were and emailing it to the ride chair for review and certification is simplified. See the Rules tab under each SCMA Ride for documentation requirements.

SpotWalla is well known Journaling software easily available on the web after setting up your account. For first time users, the simplest setup is to install the partner application on your phone rather than purchasing and using a separate GPS device.

For the SCMA rides that require online submission, using the electronic record of your ride documentation streamlines the process. You would provide a link or a series of links that shows the path you took with photos attached to the required stops.

We encourage all riders to consider using the tool. Recording your selfie photos and photos of your receipts to your journaling account protects you from losing the receipts out of your bags and even from losing your phone with your photos.

  • Your records are backed up.
  • You could record all of the routes you ride for your own records to review favorites and near misses you still need to do.

STEPS for setting up SpotWalla

  • Signup and pay a nominal fee for a SpotWalla account at www.spotwalla.com/help click on Getting Started.
  • Pick a Device – Using Your Smartphone is Easiest by Installing an Application for your phone type. See the app links below. Review the application documentation. We recommend searching YouTube for setup and basic user videos for the application you choose.
    • Setup a Trip – You can set up a trip before you leave to share with your friends so they can see where you are. As long as the trip is private, only people with the link can see you.
    • Share the Trip Web Address Link with Friends
      • Record Your Trip – by enabling tracking which sends a “Message” with your location coordinates to your private SpotWalla account every few minutes when you are attached to the network or queues them up and sends them later when you are attached to the network. You can also sent other “Messages” describing your current location and Photos associated with your location. All of these are recorded on the Trip path.
    • Submit Your Trip to the ride chair by emailing the trip link for your ride to the ride chair, or a set of trip links for a sequence of ride sections, when you are done.
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