4 STATES

Routing: In general checkpoints follow the mother road in the general direction but may not be in perfect order. Plan your route. We suggest you look p these points on the internet. We will not provide sample photos.


  1. Santa Monica, CA - Santa Monica Pier - Traditional End - END of Route 66 Sign or pier parking lot or Arch to enter the pier.

  2. Rancho Cucamonga – Cucamonga Service Station

  3. San Bernardino - Tepee Motel

  4. Barstow - Any Barstow Route 66 monument,

  5. Amboy - Roys Café

  6. Newberry Springs - Bagdad Café


  1. Topoc - Picture at the restaurant at the river

  2. Oatman - Famous for Donkeys on the road. Any Road sign in conjunction with OATMAN downtown, or picture with a donkey

  3. Kingman - Distinct Archway used to take photos near Route 66 museum or Ramada Route 66 Hotel

  4. HackBerry - Gas Station

  5. Seligman - Delgadillo's Restaurant, Roadkill Café, Westside Lilos restaurant

  6. Williams - Route 66 sign or Grand Canyon Railway

  7. Flagstaff - Route 66 Flagstaff Visitors Center

  8. Meteor Crater - Always a part of Route 66 just not marked as such, visitors center

  9. Winslow - Standing on the Corner in Winslow AZ, or La Posada Hotel

  10. Holbrook - Brads Hotel or Tepee Hotel


  1. Gallup - The El Rancho Hotel, downtown

  2. Grants - Route 66 Historic Drive Thru Arch

  3. Albuquerque - Knob Hill Route 66 Diner, Kimo Theatre, ElRay Movie House

  4. Tijeras - Musical Road or Musical Road Ahead Sign, Route 66 Travel Center in Sedio, ** see rules for changes

  5. Santa Rosa - Route 66 Restaurant - CLOSED

  6. Newkirk - Photo with name Newkirk and Route 66 clearly identifiable - Ghost Town

  7. Tucumcari - Route 66 Museum, Tepee Curios Store, Dels Restaurant

  8. San Jon - San Jon Ghost Town Sign, Continental divide DEAD END - Route 66 sign.

  9. Glenrio - Glenrio Rd Sign I-40/Route 66 EXIT 0 sign


  1. Adrian - MIDPOINT SIGN, midpoint of the Mother Road, standing on the WEST SIDE of the SIGN

You will use the DAY ONE phone application to journal your trip including photos required at each stop

** Check rules for changes to checkpoint requirements