USA Four Corners Tour

Since 1984

Most challenging ride in SCMA catalog c. 7000 miles/11265 km.

Step out of comfort zone – Traditional or True X.

Be part of the legacy – over 2200 finishers, c. 60/yr.

Pick your own points of interest – visit relatives

Combines well with Best 15 US Roads or Three Flags Classic towards Triple Crown Award.

4 corners of the US in 21 days.

San Ysidro
Patrick Pazour
San Ysidro
Mark Campbell
San Ysidro
Dave Darby
San Ysidro
Chris Wiltshire
San Ysidro
Andray Hubble
montage 1
Mark Campbell
Patrick Pazour
Ksolo DaRyder
Dave Darby
Chris Wiltshir
Charles Lamb
Bob Clinkingbeard
Lebanon TrueX 1
Lebanon POB
William Thigpen
Lebanon POB
Mark Campbell
Lebanon POB
Ksolo DaRyder
Lebanon GEO
Mark Campbell
Lebanon GEO
Ksolo DaRyder
Lebanon GEO
Dewayne Good Sr
Lebanon Gas
William Thigpen
Lebanon Gas
Mark Campbell
Lebanon Gas
Ksolo DaRyder
Key West
William Thigpen 2
Key West
William Thigpen 1
Key West
Key West
Patrick Pazour
Key West
Mark Campbell
Key West
Ksolo DaRyder
Key West
Ksolo DaRyder 2
Key West
Dennis Mitchell
Key West
Dave Darby
Key West
Chris Wiltshire
Mark Campbell
Jonathon Santos
TrueX Map

Our Ultimate Ride

Most riders have a regular day or weekend loop that they travel when they just want to go ride for a bit with minimal planning. Surprisingly, one in ten people has never traveled outside the state in which they were born, and more than half have visited 10 or fewer states. Motorcyclists are almost certainly underrepresented in that statistic, but almost all of us have some part of the USA that we have yet to ride. If you’re thinking there’s more of the country that you’d like to experience, a lap of the country riding the USA Four Corners Tour might be just what you’re looking for!

USA Four Corners Tour


The USA Four Corners Tour is a self-guided and self-paced ride of roughly 7,000 miles. It forms a lap of the continental United States by requiring stops in San Ysidro, California; Blaine, Washington; Madawaska, Maine; and Key West, Florida.  Riders will have 21 calendar days in which to visit those four cities using a route of their choosing.  A pace of 400 miles per day leaves plenty of time for sightseeing and side trips while accomplishing the Tour in 18 days with three contingency days.

For those seeking a more difficult quest and/or more exposure to the heartland states, we offer the True X version of the USA Four Corners Tour. The True X version adds a visit to Lebanon, Kansas, (the geographical center of the continental US) between each corner city after the first.  This increases the ride distance to roughly 11,000 miles and correspondingly the time allowed for completion is increased to 26 calendar days.  A pace of 500 miles per day would complete the Tour in 22 days with 4 contingency days but you are almost certain to consume at least one of those contingency days for cycle maintenance.  As an extra incentive, those who complete the True X version in 21 or fewer calendar days will have the honor clearly identified in the True X Finisher’s List.

Four Corners Tour Rules

Coming Soon!

Four Corners Tour History

The USA Four Corners Tour is the second longest-running, long distance riding tour the SCMA offers. In 1976 Joe Usatin came up with the idea to ride to each corner of the United States. George Keller, the first “route scout,” started out in 1977 but had repair delays due to hitting a coyote and was unable to test-ride the tour in 21 consecutive days. Board members Russ Trumbull and Ron and Dorothy Watkins also worked to plan the ride, with Russ Trumbull completing it in1979. The first USA Four Corners Tour was offered in 1984 and chaired by Seth Johnson.

How did the 21-days become the maximum number of days required to qualify as a USA Four Corners Finisher? Joe Usatin ventured out as the first rider in 1976 along with his nephew. When they reached their 4th corner, their elapsed time for their journey was 21 days. The SCMA has used that as the standard ever since.

Later, a board member had the idea of issuing a challenge to ride the Four Corners in a True X pattern. In 2011 Chuck Gatecliff of Brighton, Michigan, and Barry Bullington of Neoga, Illinois, decided to take up the challenge. Using Lebanon, Kansas, geographic center of the contiguous US, they began at one corner and rode to Lebanon, Kansas, then to another corner and back to Lebanon, then to a third corner and back to Lebanon, and finally to the 4th corner to complete a True X pattern across the continental USA. Although the distance almost doubles, it was decided to only allow an extra 5 days to complete the event. Riders have 26 days to complete the True X at an average distance of 11,000 miles.

Even though GPS now has “extreme corners” down to a finite science, the original destination corners of Blaine, Washington; Madawaska, Maine, Key West, Florida, and San Ysidro, California, were chosen because they were the most extreme corner cities that had a post office to be used to document a rider's proof of visit and now, they have travel accommodations such as gas stations, restaurants, and lodging. The freedom of the ride is that you can begin at any corner and there is no fixed route to follow. You can do your own route at your own pace as long as you do all four corners in 21 days or less. You can take time at the beginning or the end of the ride to visit friends, relatives or see more of the United States.

USA Four Corners Tour has proven to be a popular choice for riders from all over the North American continent and has drawn riders from Europe and Africa.

It is a challenging ride that will leave you with lasting memories!

Register for Four Corners Tour

Coming Soon!

For further clarification or questions about the USA Four Corners Tour, contact:
Ride Chair – Dannie Fox

Also visit our USA Four Corners Tour Facebook page.

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